Saturday morning I snuck out early to do 30 min of cardio at The Colony Rec Center while Brad had some quality play time with John after breakfast. It rained most of the morning so we couldn't do much outside. Once John woke up from his nap and had some more fun play time, we went to Sprint so we could get new phones. Fun! Then we went to Carter's to get some new clothes for John as a present from Great Grandma Brown. (See how I 'refashioned' a onesie I bought here!)
On the way home, after a stop at the Frisco library, we took an impromptu trip to a splash park in Frisco. Thanks to my laziness, I still had Brad's new swimsuit in the car along with hand-me-down towels. So I changed into Brad's swimsuit in the car and looked really pretty with my tanktop on. The look was complete with my bra straps showing- I was just hoping I didn't know anyone at the park! We just let John play with his clothes on, and thanks to my unusual preparation, I had an extra outfit for John to wear after the fun was over. It felt really good to cool down because it felt like it was about 150 degrees out.
After a little din din (where we are practicing eating soft pieces of veggies- tonight was green beans) we played on a blanket outside in the backyard. It actually wasn't 1000 degrees and felt pretty nice out. John loves to eat grass...guess he hangs around Gracie too much.
Our plan for Sunday was to head out to the Dallas Arboretum in the morning so we could be there when it opened. We figured we could walk around before it got too hot and look at the storybook houses that are set up. Unfortunately, I was getting sick and felt pretty badly and decided I needed to sleep and rest instead. So Brad got some more quality time with John while I was able to nap. We will try the Dallas Arboretum maybe in a couple weeks...hopefully before the end of August since it only costs $1 this month!
So once I was feeling better, we took a trip to Walmart because we had seemed to run out of everything at our house...and because how else should you celebrate your 8 month birthday? (I had to start an 8 month folder on the computer for pictures and almost cried!) I guess Sunday around lunch is a busy time at Walmart because we waited in line FOREVER. I used that time to teach John about the world of tabloids. :) I read to him a story about Jon & Kate and he laughed the whole time! It was so cute!
After lunch and John's nap, we took him to the mall to play in the play area. He did great and was crawling all over. He really liked being around other kids and kept smiling at everyone. His big milestone on Sunday was holding his bottle all by himself...the WHOLE TIME! We put him in his stroller as we walked around the mall and he didn't need any help from us to finish his bottle! Now if we can get him to do that while sitting up, we will be set!
To end the weekend, we took John for a little naked swim in his baby pool after dinner. Then it was pjs, a bottle, and bed. He even played with his teddy bear in his crib without screaming and fell asleep on his own! So I guess a once-a-week screaming fit before bed isn't terrible.
So, the weekend wasn't exactly what I had planned: no Arboretum, no Little Elm beach. But we still had fun and fell in love with John even more than before!
Sounds like you guys had a great weekend! I think it's great that you plan weekends for the 3 of you!!